Sunday, August 11, 2013

take care of yourself. you will be so much better off: clean living pt i

a lot of people do not believe in clean living.  maybe you would like to start.  for you, it could be something as simple as shedding a few unwanted pounds, or maybe more drastic...such as kicking that nasty coke habit.  whatever it is, ok...i am not judging you. nor am i here to stand in a place of judgment and tell you what to do with your life.  you have to do with your life what you see fit, ok...

that being said, lets be one is perfect, yada yada yada.  i would be lying if i said i was.  but you have to realize that you are so much better than whatever bad habit it is that you are coddling every day that you want to stop.  i mean, it might be a big deal it might not be.  it might be something that is on the verge of ruining your life & you just need a wake up call.

your wake up call has arrived, brother.  get off the junk.  it is *not* going to help you in the long run.  whatever it is that is bringing you down...seriously?  leave it behind.  go cold turkey & do *not* look back.  life is too short to be going thru it messed up.  a lot of people dont like to broach the topic, but yes...drugs, whatever.  drinking, smoking, lack of exercise, lack of sleep, addictions... whatever is crimping your style, that is what you must purge from yourself and distance yourself from.  say to yourself, you know what...that thing...whatever it is...that is not who i am anymore. 

just set it aside, let it be, & realize that whatever that *thing* is, does not own you anymore & cannot control you.  you control your own self, you are the author & finisher of your own destiny.  you control your fate, no one else...not even god can write your destiny.  your destiny is written in the stars by you. dont let some problem dictate your life.  you only have one life, so make the most of it.

resolve today that you will lead a cleaner life today.  even if its just by doing one small thing to switch up your normal routine, you will have improved your life that much more.  seek to continually improve, and excellence will begin to be a hallmark of your life.  like Aristotle was wont to say, excellence is not an event, it is a habit.  get in the habit of creating good habits in life & eventually others will look towards you as a source of guidance in life, love, faith, health, & happiness.

believe in yourself that you can do it.  start today!  blessings.

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