Sunday, August 11, 2013

you are too precious not to be exclusive: building your brand pt i

ok, so...admittedly i am not an *expert* about building your brand.  *however*...that being said, i do have some tips.  here they are, i will just dive in! :)

  • produce quality content.  how many times have you heard this one.  i know right.  but, it is true...what you put in, you will get out of it.  if you dont put in the work, you are not going to see the results or fruit of your labor, hard work, & effort.  but, making sure that you bring value added content to a conversation that is much bigger than you or i alone or even you & i combined together.  the internet is full of so much useless stuff & junk, *dont* be sucked in.  you *want* to make your work worth noticing.
  • be the master of your domain.  yes, you have got to be the boss, and be boss looking about it in the process.  i am not saying you have to drive a Jaguar.  but, you have to be confident.  no one wants to support someone & invest in someone who is not sure of themselves...unless youre like a parent to a 2 year old.  come on man, it is so last year to have no self confidence.  its not cute to be unsure & wandering spirit right now.  know your power & own it.  truly.
  • be exclusive (somewhat).  you know, you cant please everybody.  so, in that have to find your niche in the market.  part of building your brand means to make people sit up & look what you are talking about.  either they are saying something unique or doing something different that is getting peoples attention.  self immolation?  perhaps that might be going too far.  but getting a fake dog princess tattoo on your arm & then posting it on your twitpic is sure to get you noticed.  you just have to have ideas about *how* you want to be noticed.  keep that in mind.  your cat might not be so fond of that tattoo now, come to think of it...i am *not* saying go out & get some random tattoo.  i *am* saying, do what you have to do to get yourself noticed...within reason.  standing naked by the side of the road notwithstanding.  you dont want to get yourself in trouble.  but, a little tempest in the teapot might be just the push over the edge other people need to help you get recognized & zing your brand.
these are just a few preliminary ideas, but i am sure i will have more where those came from about building your brand.  learn from the master!  a.k.a. "notme" LOL.  peace.

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