Sunday, August 11, 2013

carpe diem & memento mori: pt ii

carpe diem is an old Latin phrase meaning "seize the day" sure youve heard of it.  it means to use every minute wisely in pursuit of your dreams because you might not have even the next second.  my encouragement for you today is to do all those things that you wanted to do yesterday but right, exercise, sleep well, etc.  yes, life is too short.  that brings me to memento mori.  what is that you ask.  well, in Roman times, slaves used to follow their rich masters reminding them "memento mori," like, basically are going to die someday dude.  in essence.  what i get out of this is that we have to live our lives remembering we are leaving a legacy.  our day to day existence is not just some accident, we are here for a purpose.  ok enough said, i will make my exit now...

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