Sunday, August 11, 2013

coffee, black, & Kerouac.

i always wanted to explode like a roman candle.  do it really  big & bright.  live large.  well, now that im at the point where i can handle it, i am going to live my life to the fullest till my last breath.  

thoroughly enjoying my morning joe.  makes you wonder how many other people...even on a day like today...are slogging away at some desk somewhere trying to make ends meet, thinking that is the only way to live.  life is a feast & most people are starving.

some people dont really know how to live, though.  theres that too.  a lot of close minded thinking is what really shackles some people...imprisons their minds forever.  we cant afford to keep ourselves shut inside our own little prisons.

one day Jack Kerouac woke up to rave reviews of his book On the Road and it was instant fame; he was the new voice of the Beat generation.  JK Rowling was a struggling single mom with a barely heated apartment scrawling her ideas for a book called The Philosophers Stone on napkins in a little cafe in the UK; she later went on to write the blockbuster series Harry Potter.

like these other writers, i hope to make it big one day & majorly blow up.  i am thinking it could be just a matter of time.  dear readers, we shall see...we shall see indeed.  "peace" LOL.

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